This ball and socket joint is designed for mobility! It supports the weight of the trunk and transfers load into the lower extremity. This joint is deeper in design compared to the shoulder, adding some stability.
Often people will locate their Sacroiliac joints in their low back as their ‘hip’ but the proper anatomical location is where the leg meets the pelvis. Pain from the hip may be felt in the glutes, local to the hip joint, or commonly in the groin.
In addition to the shape of the joint, there is a complex arrangement of ligaments and muscles to assist with hip function.
The hip is capable of 6 movements. The following muscles facilitate these movements:
🔸FLEXION (knee to chest): psoas, iliacus, pectineus, rectus femoris
🔸 EXTENSION (knee back such as in a quad stretch): Gluteus Maximus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris
🔸ADDUCTION (knees together): adductor Magnus/ Longus/ brevis, gracilis, pectineus
🔸ABDUCTION (knees apart): gluteus medius, tensor fascia latae (TFL)
🔸 INTERNAL ROTATION (toes in): TFL, gluteus minimus
🔸 EXTERNAL ROTATORS (toes out): gluteus Maximus, gemellus, obturators, quadratus femoris, piriformis
When parts of a working joint fail, the other areas will do their best to pick up the slack. Over time this is not sustainable, which is why regular varied movement, mobility and strengthening of all joints of the body is key for longevity. Chiropractic helps to ensure optimal function and improve body balance to reduce uneven wear and tear also. Oh and what you eat becomes the building blocks of every cell in your body and can influence the levels of inflammation profoundly, so yeah…that’s important too!
🎶 To the hip hip hop-a you don’t stop the rock🎶
⚡️Keep Moving⚡️
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