

There is no one-size-fits-all to care.

There are a number of techniques that can be offered by Chiropractors. This is my toolbox.

My toolbox...

  • Torque Release Technique

    Torque Release is a gentle, instrument assisted technique. Using reflexes to assess and determine where and the direction of adjustment required, these reflexes also assist with determining when no further adjusting is required. TRT removes resistance so your body can balance from the inside out.

  • Thompson Drop Technique

    Thompson Drop Technique is a gentle manual technique that uses a mild table "drop" to create momentum for motion of a segment. It is an effective technique, particularly helpful for sacral and pelvic alignment but can also be used for other areas of the spine requiring more motion.

  • Manual Adjustment

    Manual adjustments are not my primary technique, however I do occasionally use manual techniques in the upper back, low back or pelvis. I use different techniques for the neck. If you prefer manual adjustments, let me know and if it is beyond my area of practice, I know many amazing Chiropractors who offer this form of care. 

  • Myofascial Release

    There are a variety of techniques that can be used to support the muscles and connective tissues (myofascia). I use both hands-on fascial release techniques and instrument supported release, to encourage fresh blood flow and neural awareness to areas as-needed.

  • Muscle Activation Technique (MAT)

    MAT is an interesting technique that helps to determine if limited range of motion is due ot tightness, requiring a stretch, or "weakness", requiring re-activation. This technique reinforces proper neural pathways to allow muscles to engage efficiently and allow for more control and "strength" in an area.

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy

    I have studied and completed  Levels 1 and 2 Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) with the Upledger Institute. CST offers a gentle, hands-on approach to balancing the deep connective tissue of the nervous system with a large focus on the cranial bones. I recently chose to pursue this technique to find more way to assist the body into a parasympathetic (rest/ digest) state amidst the high levels of physiological stress I have seen with my practice members.

  • Webster Technique

    Webster Technique is an approach to assess and realign the sacrum (tailbone). In addition to sacral alignnment, this technique acknowledges the ligamentous attachments and relationship that the sacrum has with the uterus. This makes Webster Technique particularly relevant for pregnant patients.

  • Rocktape

    Taping can be effective for a variety of issues. I use this mostly with acute instability and/ or pain. Taping stimulated the brain to support an area and is believed to assist with reducing inflammation. This is also a great tool, as it is one that can be done at home, or in an emergency until you are able to seek care.

  • Shockwave Therapy

    Shockwave Therapy is a modality I recently introduced to my practice. It is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy sound waves to promote healing and relieve pain. Shockwave therapy is effective for treating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions, especially those involving chronic pain, inflammation, or slow healing. The therapy increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, and accelerates tissue repair.

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