Knowing our destination is important. Setting goals and getting clear on where we want to be (in 1, 5, 10+ days/ weeks/ years) increases the likelihood of getting there. Checking-in along the way is just as important. The smallest step off of our path may seem meaningless in the moment- and may not be a big deal in the end if we can get back on track quickly- however, if we set our destination and veer off track (knowingly or unknowingly) and fail to recorrect our path, we will miss our destination by a long shot.
I challenge you to sit, close your eyes and check-in with where you are right now in regards to your health and wellbeing. Physical, Mental, Emotional. Are you moving regularly? Are you building strength? Are your able to sit and process your emotions in a healthy way? Are you surrounded by supportive people? Are you eating foods that nourish versus deplete you? Take a moment and check-in.
Wherever you would place yourself on the health spectrum, now envision yourself in a month, 6 months, a year, 5 years, 10 years. If you change nothing, what do you imagine for yourself and your health?
Now envision, if anything was possible , what would be your ideal lifestyle in the same timeframes? What activities are you able to enjoy? Who are you able to keep up with and inspire? What are your energy levels? Is there ease in your day? How happy are you? How do you spend your ideal day? Who are you with?
This last vision is the destination. Now, how much of a course correct is needed from the first reflection, of where you are right now, today, with your current behaviours and choices? What area(s) needs the most attention right now?
As a Chiropractor, those under maintenance care, getting spinal alignment checked on a regular basis (this frequency differing person- to-person depending on their needs, lifestyle and life stressors), I am often able to see (through the physiology) if the body needs more of a “course correct” and help individuals get back on track so that they can not only live healthy, active, comfortable lives in the short term, but to also ensure that over months, years and decades, the small “slips” don’t add up to more. Today matters. Health matters. You matter.